Blog – Tagged "mini egg" – Real Mini World

Blog — mini egg

Tiny Eggs for Tiny Cooking

Posted by real miniworld on

As a dedicated team for creating  tiny cooking set and supplies, we notice the most obvious curiosity from our customer is which and how to get those tiny eggs. After a while, we finally decided to create this blog post, dedicated to answer those curiosities. First of all, the most easiest, affordable, and readily available tiny egg is quail eggs   However, some might not really satisfied as quail egg looks rather big for 1:12 cooking utensil just like above picture. So far, we do find lizard egg has the most suitable size. But hey! its not easy to find and...

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The World’s First Affordable Miniature Real Cooking Store

Posted by real miniworld on

Inspired by Japanese miniature cooking trend Tiny cooking has been constantly an emerging internet trend since 2014. It was first started on Youtube by a Japanese channel called Miniature Space that posted tons of ASMR videos on cooking mini edible food using real ingredients and miniature cooking utensils and stove that really cook. The trend starts with japan and spreads widely across the globe. Back then, I was one of the miniature cooking fans. After watching tons of satisfying mini cooking videos, I was dreaming of cooking mini food at my home. As a 19 years old young lady living...

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