Today, we are showcasing our recent exciting project for Mr. Nicholas from USA. He want to purchase the miniature kitchen for his beloved daughter. This kitchen set is inspired by American-classic kitchen with profile on cabinet doors. Equipped with miniature.

Color shade of Purple Angel 816 is chosen, with white marble top, and gold sink, faucet, and cabinet handles to elevate the luxury feeling to the mini kitchens set.

We build the whole tiny cooking stove with metal, so it can sustain heat. Tea light candle is used as the source of heat to cook the tiny foods. We include a set of 3 pans, tiny cooking utensils, and cooking board to ensure she can start her tiny chef career immediately 🥳

We created a tiny real working sink, where she can wash tiny dishes. We also propose to put a window behind the sink to which Mr. Nicholas agreed upon, and it turns out so beautiful adding layer of aesthetic to the miniature kitchen.

This kitchen also have wall mounted tiny cabinet, with distinctive design of 2 transparent cabinet door and sliding cabinet door.

Why not make tiny products like dish cleaning liquid, mops, brooms trash cans and liners? The list would be endless. What a magical, mini world that would create!